First State Championship Wrestling

Febuary 19th, 2011

In front of a SOLD OUT crowd, 1CW Pres. Shawn Hardy opened the show with a ten bell salute for Kelly Ulp and then made a huge announcement, 1CW has signed a TV DEAL! Comcast SportS channel in Delaware will be showing 1CW wrestling this summer. More details will be coming soon.

Scott Dukes defeated Dj Hyde, Kao Storm, Chance Sevenfold and Ryan McBride for the First State Championship title

The Native Predator Kotori came out during the match and brawled with Chance Sevenfold and brawled all the way into the lockerroom. Chance never came back to finish his match.

Hellaware Assassin came out and did his retirement speech with Candy Cartwright in the ring. Then he announced the new member of the Brotherhood of Brutality, Cobian!

The New Brotherhood of Brutality (Cobian and Greywolf) defeated Bad Karma

Charm City Hit Squad (Drolix and Nui Tofiga) defeated Reign of Punishment

The 7�3� Brute Force and Cousin Earl Cooter with their manager Sir Styles defeated Pretty Ugly, Mike Goldstein and Trevor Justice, The All American Nightmare Kevin Savage and Belfast Brawler in a huge 4 way Tag Team match.

1CW Tag Team Champs The Briscoes defeated The Dark Karnival

After The Briscoes retained the 1CW tag team championship, Cobian, DJ Hyde and their manager Anthony Soprano came to the ring and attacked Jay and Mark Briscoe until Papa Briscoe jumped the guardrail to make the save. Greywolf came to the ring yelling at the Brotherhood to stop the attack. Then the Briscoes laid out the challenge for May 21st, Jay, Mark and Papa Briscoe vs The NEW Brotherhood (Dj Hyde, Cobian and Greywolf) in Delmar, Delaware.

The Nigerian Nightmares defeated The Russians

Brian Hardy defeated Former ECW/WWE star Nunzio and Crazii Shea for the 1CW Cruiserweight Championship belt, when Shea injured himself with an insane drive to the outside of the ring throw a table.

1CW Heavyweight Champion Christian York defeated ECW Original Axl Rotten when York DDT�d Axl Rotten onto Axls chair
